Countries G-J
Coins from all countries starting with the letters "G", "H", "I" or "J".
NGC Certification #: 6455953-041
NGC Population Report: Highest Grade ever received by this coin, Population 2. A true TOP POP.
NGC Certification #: 6455953-041
NGC Population Report: Highest Grade ever received by this coin, Population 2. A true TOP POP.
PCGS Certification #: 17241380
PCGS Population Report: Highest Grade ever received by this coin, Population 2. A true TOP POP.
PCGS Certification #: 17241380
PCGS Population Report: Highest Grade ever received by this coin, Population 2. A true TOP POP.
NGC Certification #: 2846084-043
NGC Certification #: 2846084-043
PCGS Certification #: 83595537
PCGS Population Report: Highest Grade ever received by this coin and the only one known. A true TOP POP-1.
PCGS Certification #: 83595537
PCGS Population Report: Highest Grade ever received by this coin and the only one known. A true TOP POP-1.
NGC Certification #: 5766014-031
NGC Certification #: 5766014-031
NGC Certification #: 5766014-032
NGC Certification #: 5766014-032